Thursday, August 25, 2011


Last night I tried photographing lightning for the first time. It became somewhat addicting.



  1. oh yes, and please note: no Photoshop was used.

  2. Nice shots!
    We watched the storm for a while but didn't see any strikes, just fogginess and a strobe light all-over lightning style. Maybe next time! I want to see one strike the tower.

  3. Wow. I was sad the other day when I couldnt get out to do the same thing. GREAT work. I'm guessing you only had to have like a 5-10 sec exp. for that night, considering the amount of lighting?

  4. Thanks Jeremy & Mel! I was wondering if you guys would be trying to take photos as well. Jeremy, I'm guessing my exposure was something around 2-4sec, but I'm not sure, because I had the camera set to Bulb. I kept my hand over the lens & would whip it away whenever there was lightning, sometimes exposing multiple flashes on one frame.

  5. Cool pictures Esther. I heard you were risking your life for them. :)
